How to Choose the Right Fiberglass Fabric for Your Project

Posted by Michael Levero on 23rd May 2023

Choosing the right fiberglass fabric for your project is crucial to ensure its success and longevity. With various types, weights, weaves, coatings, and treatments available, selecting the appropriate fiberglass fabric can be a daunting task. This guide aims to simplify the process by providing valuable insights and considerations when making your decision.

I. Fiberglass Fabric Introduction

Fiberglass fabric is a versatile material that is widely utilized in a variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and marine. Its exceptional strength, durability, and heat resistance make it an ideal choice for a range of applications. However, not all fiberglass fabrics are created equal, and selecting the right one requires careful evaluation.

A. Importance of choosing the right fiberglass fabric

Selecting the right fiberglass fabric ensures that your project meets its intended requirements and performs optimally. It directly impacts the structural integrity, resistance to temperature and chemicals, flexibility, and overall lifespan of the finished product. Making an informed choice can prevent costly mistakes and improve project outcomes.

B. Factors to consider

Several factors come into play when choosing fiberglass fabric for your project. These include the application of the fabric, required strength and durability, temperature and chemical resistance, weight and thickness considerations, weave patterns and styles, coatings and treatments, compatibility with resins and adhesives, cost considerations, and testing and certification requirements. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project goals. 

II. Understanding Fiberglass Fabric

Before delving into the selection process, it's important to have a basic understanding of fiberglass fabric.

A. Definition and composition

Fiberglass fabric is made from thin strands of glass fibers woven together. The glass fibers are typically made from melted silica, which is spun into fine threads. These threads are then woven or non-woven to create a fabric structure. The resulting fabric possesses excellent tensile strength and is resistant to heat, corrosion, and most chemicals.

Types of Fiberglass Fabric

Fiberglass fabric is available in different types, each suited for specific applications. Let's explore some of the common types of fiberglass fabric:

Woven Fiberglass Fabric

Woven fiberglass fabric is made by interlacing glass fibers in a specific pattern. The three main weave patterns used are plain weave, twill weave, and satin weave.

  • Plain Weave: This is the simplest weave pattern, where each weft thread alternately passes over and under each warp thread. It results in a balanced and tightly woven fabric with good strength and dimensional stability.
  • Twill Weave: In twill weave, each weft thread passes over and under two or more warp threads. This creates a diagonal pattern on the fabric's surface. Twill weave offers better drapability and conformability compared to plain weave.
  • Satin Weave: Satin weave produces a smooth and lustrous fabric surface. It has a floating weft pattern, where each weft thread passes over several warp threads before going under one. Satin weave fiberglass fabric exhibits excellent drapability and is often used in applications where aesthetics are important.

Non-Woven Fiberglass Fabric

Non-woven fiberglass fabric is made by bonding glass fibers together using heat, chemicals, or mechanical processes. This fabric type is highly versatile and can be tailored to specific requirements. Non-woven fiberglass fabric is often used in applications that require high filtration efficiency, insulation, or sound absorption. 

Applications of Fiberglass Fabric

Fiberglass fabric finds applications in various industries due to its unique properties. Some common applications include:

  • Aerospace and Defense Industry: Fiberglass fabric is used in the aerospace and defense industry for manufacturing lightweight aircraft components, missile casings, and protective gear.
  • Automotive Industry: In the automotive industry, fiberglass fabric is used for making body panels, interior components, and reinforcement structures. It helps reduce weight while maintaining strength and safety.
  • Construction and Infrastructure: Fiberglass fabric is utilized in the construction and infrastructure sector for reinforcing concrete structures, creating composite materials, and providing insulation.
  • Marine Industry: Fiberglass fabric is extensively used in boat building and repairs. It provides strength, durability, and water resistance to hulls, decks, and other marine components.
  • Sports and Recreation: Fiberglass fabric is employed in sports and recreation equipment such as kayaks, surfboards, skis, and protective gear. Its lightweight and high strength properties make it suitable for these applications.

Maintenance and Care of Fiberglass Fabric

To ensure the longevity and performance of fiberglass fabric, proper maintenance and care are essential. Here are some guidelines:

  • Cleaning: Clean fiberglass fabric using mild soapy water and a soft brush or sponge. Avoid abrasive cleaners or brushes that can damage the fabric. Rinse thoroughly and allow it to dry completely before storage or reuse.
  • Storage: Store fiberglass fabric in a dry and clean area, away from direct sunlight and excessive heat. Roll or fold it neatly to prevent creasing or damage. Avoid storing it near chemicals or sharp objects that can cause punctures or degradation.
  • Repair: In case of damage or tears, fiberglass fabric can be repaired using compatible adhesives or patches. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper repair techniques.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When selecting fiberglass fabric, be mindful of these common mistakes to ensure the best choice for your project:

A. Using the wrong type of fiberglass fabric:

Selecting a fiberglass fabric without considering its specific properties and suitability for your project can lead to performance issues and potential failures. Take the time to understand the requirements and choose accordingly.

B. Neglecting project requirements:

Failing to accurately assess the application, strength, temperature resistance, and other project-specific requirements can result in choosing the wrong fiberglass fabric. Thoroughly evaluate all aspects to make an informed decision.

C. Overlooking compatibility with resins:

Compatibility between the fiberglass fabric and fiberglass resins system is crucial for a successful project. Neglecting this compatibility can lead to poor bonding, reduced strength, or delamination.


Q1: Can I use any fiberglass fabric for my project?

Ans: It's essential to select a fiberglass fabric that aligns with your project's requirements. Consider factors such as application, strength, temperature resistance, and compatibility with resins to choose the right fabric.

Q2: What is the difference between woven and non-woven fiberglass fabric?

Ans: Woven fiberglass fabric is created by interlacing glass fibers in a specific pattern, while non-woven fiberglass fabric is made by bonding or interlocking glass fibers without a specific weave pattern. Woven fabrics offer stability and strength, while non-woven fabrics excel in filtration, insulation, and absorption.

Q3: How do I determine the weight and thickness of fiberglass fabric?

Ans: The weight and thickness of fiberglass fabric depend on your project's specific requirements. Consider factors such as application, desired strength, and flexibility to select the appropriate weight and thickness.

Q4: Can I apply coatings or treatments to fiberglass fabric?

Ans: Yes, fiberglass fabric can be coated or treated to enhance its performance. Protective coatings can provide added durability, while chemical treatments can improve properties such as flame resistance or heat resistance.